A smokey salmon treat - we start with our smoked salmon nuggets, blend it with...
Surimi crab, shredded cheddar cheese, mayo, honey mustard, scallions and celery goes in to this...
Classic Morey's Salmon dip. A great salmon spread made with chunked premium, boneless atlantic salmon....
Want to have a bit of southern cajun flair with your crab dip? This is...
Made with the freshest ingredients, our homemade Mexican Crab Dip makes a great snack or...
Creamy and Smokey, with a hint of horseradish, a longtime staff favorite! We will ship...
Fiesta is a corn and crab delight, cheese and seasoning! Surimi crab. 1lb.
Creamy sweet pepper crab dip is good hot or cold. Surimi Crab. 1 lb.
Premium Surimi crab and baby shrimp mixed with fresh celery, scallions and dill. Marinated in...
Smoked squid salad. veggies with ginger and vinegar and asian marinade. We will ship you...
Creamy amablue cheese, our fresh smoked Canadian Lake Trout and walnuts make this a delicious...
Creamy and delicious, Gorgonzola cheese, diced pears and walnuts. Vegetarian. 1lb.
Our fresh smoked Lake Trout, Brie cheese and carmelized onions. Creamy and delicious. 1 lb.
Herbs and goat cheese round out this spread, cream cheese base. Perfect with olive tapenade...
House made, fresh olives, garlic, Parmesan and almonds. 1 lb.
Freshly cooked in house, Asian White shrimp. 1lb. prefer not to ship, curbside recommended.
Creamy, sweet peppadew and blue cheese dip! Delicious and vegetarian friendly. 1 lb.